Eligibility Reports

Fosterway is happy to provide free downloadable Eligibility Reports for interested prospective students attending Ontario secondary schools.

The reports are not a perfect predictor of where you can or will receive offers of admission. Some programs have competitive entry averages above the published minimums. Other programs have non-academic requirements. But, if you want to take a look at what's possible, this is a great way to start.

If you would prefer to skip the Eligibility Report, you can download the Fosterway iOS app to stay connected.

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Fosterway makes every attempt to ensure accuracy and reliability of the information and data contained in the Eligibility Reports and in the systems used for eligibility calculation. This information and data are sourced from published and publicly accessible information from university websites and other trusted sources. However, we make no warranty, guarantee or promise, expressed or implied, concerning the content or accuracy of the information. Further, admissions requirements, prerequisites, and entry averages for university programs are subject to change. In other words, we've done our best to make this accurate and current, but this is for information and estimate purposes only.